Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving is Coming!

We're excited because Thanksgiving is just around the corner. What's not too love about a holiday that is centered around having a good meal with family and friends. It's our favorite holiday! This year we made three new dishes in addition to our usual favorites:

Cream of Asparagus Soup, from cousin Raquelita
Saffron Carrots, NY Times recipe
Artichoke Stuffing, Sunset magazine
and Creamed Brussel Sprouts, Better Homes and Garden magazine

So we made our new additions and as it turned out, the Cream of Asparagus soup was okay. We added hot sauce and that gave it a much needed kick. However, the Saffron Carrots were not all that great. Turns out the saffron did not provide that much flavor so we were left with a ton of leftovers. The Artichoke stuffing was really good and we are willing to make it again. It just might turn out to be the best stuffing yet. The Creamed Brussel Sprouts were also good even though we left out the cream. But we must admit we're addicted to Brussel sprouts, even cold they are delicious.

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