Saturday, March 8, 2008

Day # 33: Surprise Day at Angel Island

So I thought it was just gonna be my girls -- Nora, Gren and Olive, at a picnic on Angel Island but I was quite surprised. Turned out M&R along with Pat, G, Slugo, Duke and Raf also showed up. At 1 pm, R&A came with their minis A and A. Oh, and the sun came out as well so that was quite nice. We had a great feast and I even got on a tandem bike (surprise) but only rode on the flat surfaces.

Gren, R, G, A and Olive went for a 5 mile bike ride. It took a while for Olive to make it back but she finally did. I was quite relieved because although you can camp on Angel Island we really did not have enough supplies to keep us warm. We were also gonna play A**Hole but you really can not play that game with kids around. I will have to get R to teach us how. 

We headed back to Tiburon at 3:30 and had drinks at Guyamas. Slugo had to pay because he was being all crazy and obnoxious which is rare but does happen on occasion. I blame the sun! Luckily, G was good and hydrated so she could drive us home.

A huge shout out to Nora, Gren and Ms O for all their work planning this surprise! I loved it.

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