Wednesday, March 19, 2008

40, Finally!!

My birthday was Sunday. I am forty, finally. I had a blast with my forty days of fun. I didn't know what an undertaking this would turn out to be. The last week was hard. I caught a cold. I think all those nights of going out caught up with me.  Some of the things I've learned over the course of this project are:

1. Arrive early.
2. Get tickets in advance.
3. Everything is better when you are with family and friends.
4. Snow days are a good thing.
5.  Allow days for resting.
6. Maybe 25 for 25 would have been a better idea.

Now onto the next adventure!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Querida Hermana Chica,
I hope I am as wise as you are when I am as old as you are - haha!